Mike Headshot 2016-02-18.jpgSo you are thinking about making a move in real estate. An exciting proposition to be sure and one with which I would be more than happy to offer assistance. So how do you go about choosing a real estate agent? Do you go with your friend? How about the one your neighbour used last year? You received something in the mail yesterday…maybe that’s the real estate agent for you? When you see real estate advertising, you will find words like trust, integrity, results, etc. How do you decide who is the most trustful, has the highest integrity and will get you the best results?


Well, you do your due diligence. You make some calls, do some research and perhaps meet with some realtors and after you have all of your information and have narrowed down your choices to only the most qualified, it may just come down to something as simple as Do I like this person? Do I trust this person?


So what do you get when you choose Michael Giesbrecht as your real estate agent? You get someone who has lived in the Lower Mainland for all but six of his years and has called the North Shore home for twenty years. You get someone with some experience in construction combined with an award-winning sales career with a communications company. You get someone who loves to negotiate everything, whether it is a blanket purchase in Mexico, a new car in Richmond or your new home on the North Shore. You get someone who cares about the community and is involved in a number of volunteer organizations. You get someone who loves to golf, kayak, cycle, hike the Grouse Grind, watch good movies, eat at nice restaurants and read fine books and while these last seven qualities may not seem relevant to your decision in choosing a realtor, I would be happy to explain how they are.


Can you trust me? Without reservation. Do I have integrity? Absolutely. Will you get your desired results? You bet. Why don’t you give me a call sometime and let me buy you a coffee and we can discuss your situation in detail? I look forward to hearing from you.