Blog by Michael Giesbrecht

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13 - 46330 Valleyview Rd, Sardis BC

I just finished uploading this Townhouse, 13 - 46330 Valleyview Rd, Sardis BC

Are you ready to be WOWED? Have you been under the impression that gorgeous, 3 bedroom townhomes in highly sought after areas have been priced right out of your range? Did you once have visions of living in a home that not only boasted a generous, open floor plan, but also air conditioning, a jetted bathtub and a security system that lets you sleep soundly at night, knowing that you and your loved ones are safe? We could talk about the gas fireplace, the oak cabinets, and the 2 car garage but really, how much longer do you want me to keep going before you make an appointment? Do you hear that sound? That's OPPORTUNITY KNOCKING. You know what to do next.



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